The Snuggie phenomenon has just reached epidemic levels.
I told you I was going to start thinking more, “New England” and here it is: A Snuggie Pub Crawl -- right in my hometown of Somerville, Mass.
Well at least I won’t have to worry about what to wear...
Taste those winter suds while warm and cozy inside your very own Snuggie. I wonder if the zebra Snuggie will come out and play? Finally, a blanket that will allow you to drink and keep warm!
The Snuggie Pub Crawl is Saturday, 8-11 p.m., starting at the Independent, 75 Union Square, Somerville. A $5 admission benefits local youth organizations.
See below for full details from Boston.com
Snug as a bug in a pub
Barhopping event gets cozy
In the depths of the New England winter, it can be nearly impossible to pry people out of the house, even though a draught of brisk air might be the best thing for their mental health. But the couch is so warm . . . so cozy. Which is why Diana Weisner’s planned outing is, in its way, so perfect. This Saturday, the reclusive can simultaneously socialize and hibernate at the Boston-area’s first-ever Snuggie Pub Crawl.
That’s right, wear your Snuggie to a bar, perhaps several bars. And drink.
The cozy crew will start at the Independent in Somerville at 8 p.m. and move on to Precinct, Sally O’Brien’s, P.A.’s Lounge, and Bull McCabe’s, everyone snug as a bug in a well, you know.
Weisner’s enthusiasm banishes all thought of cold-weather blues. The Union Square resident, 25, planned the pub crawl as a small event for friends like the pajama party she threw at Maggiano’s a couple of years ago. But everyone who’s heard about the Snuggie crawl wanted in. Now she’s expecting 100 people.
Scenesters who complain that Boston’s behind the times have a legitimate point this time. According to snuggiepubcrawls.com, 62 cities held such crawls last year. Even Scranton, Penn., beat us to the (fuzzy) punch.
Perhaps it’s a sign of the staying power of the dubious (and ironic) style quotient of the fleece fad. Weisner herself mocked Snuggies for months, she said. In retaliation, her aunt gave her one. Weisner fell in love and gave them to her smirking roommates.
“Now we all sit on the couch in our living room looking like a bunch of monks,’’ she said.
So Snuggie fans, emerge. You have nothing to lose but your clean hems trailing along all those sticky pub floors. (To preserve her own treasured blanket with sleeves, Weisner has purchased a special one for the event. She declined to describe it in detail -animal print? sequins? -but admitted, “It is noticeable.’’)
Participants will compete in contests at each stop on the trail, with prizes from Union Square institutions such as the Neighborhood Restaurant and Bloc 11. It starts with Best Pirate Snuggie, Weisner said (her tip: bring props), and moves on to something called “Snug a Stranger,’’ several athletic events, and Snuggie Clown Car (guess). At the finish line, attendees will crown a king and queen.
Anyone can participate as long as they don’t try to bend the rules or attempt some sort of DIY shroud. “An afghan?’’ Weisner exclaimed, toweringly indignant. “Does it have sleeves?’’
Slankets, however, are fine.
The Snuggie Pub Crawl is Saturday, 8-11 p.m., starting at the Independent, 75 Union Square, Somerville. 617-440-6022. A $5 admission benefits local youth organizations.